Get in Sync Blog


Customize Sync with Your Company Logo and Branding

January 14, 2021

Victoria Donovan
Content Specialist at Sync

Customize Branding With Sync.

Branding is very important for any company. Having that recognition of a logo and a specific look and feel is key for clients when it comes to building trust as well as building an organized, professional reputation to set you apart from your competitors.

As much as we love our Sync logo and blue headers, we know you love your logo more, and it’s what your clients need to see from you. That’s why we’re thrilled to offer the superb ability to add your own logo when sharing with links on the Pro Teams Unlimited and Pro Solo Professional plans. You can easily upload your own logo and change link, header, and button colors to make your interactions with clients that much more memorable and unique.


A fully branded client portal

With Sync, you get a secure, branded portal-like experience with password protection and the ability to receive and request files, built-in. For example:

  • Educators can share a grading rubric and receive essays from students.
  • Accountants can share invoices while requesting receipts.
  • Healthcare providers can share research and receive transfer patient files.
  • Business managers can ensure all team members have access to the right documents.

All of this with your own logo, to ensure the people you are sharing with know that these are your folders—and that element of trust and security is always there. And even when you share your files through email using the Sync web panel, your branding will be on full display.


Are you ready to really make Sync your own? Pro Teams Unlimited and Pro Solo Professional customers interested in white labeling can get started right away by following this step-by-step guide! It takes less than a minute to set-up, and by doing so you’ll take your Sync account to the next-level. For everyone else, you simply need to upgrade your Sync account to unlock this valuable feature.

Reach your full Sync potential

We’re constantly improving and adding new features to make Sync as easy to use and as synchronized as possible. Make sure you’re updating your desktop and mobile apps so things are running smoothly, and you can always upgrade your Sync account to unlock more exciting features. We have a plan that’s perfect for you!

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