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Privacy Data Privacy as a Platform

June 7, 2016

Team Lead at Sync

Product Update.

In her wildly popular 2016 Internet Trends Report, Mary Meeker tells us that global data usage continues to surge, driven by the device connectivity of about 3 billion Internet users and the widespread adoption of mass data intelligence.

The report tells us that the pervasiveness of mass data generation embedded into the products and services we use today is now a primary source of leverage for global Internet growth. Collecting, correlating and interpreting what we want, when we want it, and why, is the new golden ticket.

And while today’s data largely consists of text, images and video, tomorrow’s data may largely consist of voice. According to the report, voice interaction is on track to become the new paradigm in human to computer interaction within the next five years. data privacy as a platform

Siri already handles more than one billion requests per week, and next-generation ambient search devices like Amazon’s Echo (1MM sold in Q1 2016) have begun to leverage the proliferation of microphones throughout our homes to generate even more data. All in an effort to better our lives.

Users are more concerned about data privacy than at any other time

Thankfully the report ultimately asks how concerned “we the people” are with regards to data privacy, and how companies use our data. 45% of us are more concerned about online privacy than we were a year ago, and 74% of us have limited online activity in some way, shape or form due to privacy concerns.

Privacy literacy is at an all-time high

Privacy literacy appears to be at an all-time high

This of course is good news. 2016 also appears to be the year that technology firms, including Apple and Whatsapp, are waking up to the fact that mass data collection needs a privacy overhaul, otherwise consumer privacy concerns may just stop the golden ticket data growth machine cold in it’s tracks.

That’s right – we do have a say and do have a choice in all of this. It’s why we created Sync.

Why choose Sync?

We created Sync to be the most secure, most private cloud storage platform on the planet. With Sync your data is your data, always end-to-end encrypted, and only accessible by you. We don’t sell, access, or share your data – by design.

It’s our belief that you should never have to give up your right to privacy when storing and sharing your data in the cloud.

  • With Sync your data is always end-to-end encrypted, with encryption keys accessible only by you
  • We don’t share or sell your data or personal information with third-parties
  • Your data is stored in Canada and complies with all Canadian data-privacy rules and regulations
  • We also provide US-HIPAA and EU data privacy compliance
  • We don’t store or transmit your password
  • You can purge your data from Sync at any time
  • You don’t have to provide your personal information to signup or use Sync
  • You can opt-out of our marketing (newsletters) at any time

To read more about privacy with Sync cloud storage click here.

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