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Save the Day with Automatic Camera Upload

April 15, 2021

Victoria Donovan
Content Specialist at Sync

Sync Camera Upload Feature

A picture is worth a thousand words, but not if it’s stuck on your phone. So how do you get the thousands of photos and videos off your phone and onto your computer quickly and easily? By enabling Automatic Camera Upload, a feature included with the Sync mobile app!

When enabled, all of your life’s memories will be instantly backed up to the cloud and synchronized to your computer. And with your photos backed up, you can remove them from your device to free up space to take even more pictures, maybe even a million words worth!

How it works

Once you’ve got the Sync mobile app installed on your phone or tablet, simply enable the Automatic Camera upload feature and your photos and videos will be magically backed up to Sync. You can choose to upload all of the photos in your camera roll, or only new photos going forward. Either way, everything is neatly organized into folders that can be accessed and shared through Sync. And with the Sync desktop app installed, it’s all instantly available on your computer as well. No more emailing photos to yourself; let Sync do the work.

Free up space

Automatic Camera Upload is your best answer to freeing up space on your phone, as your life’s memories can take up a lot of gigs. With your photos and videos stored safely in the cloud, you can delete them from your phone to free up space. And you’ll still be able to access all of them from your phone using the Sync app.

This is one of those features that can help you in virtually any situation. From weddings to the workplace to run-ins with law enforcement, Sync’s got your back.

Benefits for business

If your job involves snapping photos, you know all too well that the time-consuming next step involves getting those photos from your camera to your computer. But imagine if they were already there? Content creators rejoice! From wedding photographers to videographers to your entire marketing team, Automatic Camera Upload is a true game-changer, saving everyone time.

Field workers, researchers, delivery drivers, home inspectors, and anyone reporting back to HQ benefit as well, because the photos and videos you take are always backed up, and immediately available at the office. So, if you’re enduring sub-zero temperatures documenting the polar vortex, your colleagues sitting back in their cozy warm cubicles will have instant access, without the frostbite.

Automatic camera upload can save you time by cutting out the complex mess of emailing to yourself, memory cards, connection cables, or scanners that are typically needed to back up your photos and share them with your team. But it doesn’t stop there.

Save the day

For most of us, the camera roll is filled with thousands of personal photos, family photos, and selfies. But when you’re at a family event, and you’ve taken hundreds of photos, how do you get them off your phone and onto everyone else’s phone? Here again Automatic Camera Upload can save the day because every photo you take will be instantly available in the cloud and ready to share.

And speaking of saving the day, you no longer need to worry about losing your life’s memories if your own memory lapses and you lose your phone. Your photos are always backed up, and no matter how much time has passed, just like total recall, it will all come back to you.

Finally, with your photos getting backed up to the cloud automatically, if your phone is confiscated by law enforcement while you’re filming an interaction from a distance, you’ll still have all the evidence in hand.

Never lose a picture again

If you’ve got the Sync mobile app installed on your phone or tablet you can enable Automatic Camera Uploads right now. Otherwise, install the free Sync mobile app for iOS or Android to get started. Automatic Camera Uploading is available on all Sync plans. Sync Pro Solo and Pro Teams customers can choose a custom folder upload location for even better organization.

Pictures and videos are such an important part of life, and priceless moments should never be lost. Keep your memories safe with Sync.

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