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Sync 5.0.18 macOS CloudFiles Beta App Available

August 8, 2024

Mehrad Mashayekhi

We’ve just released version 5.0.18 of the Sync CloudFiles beta app for macOS. If you’re already running Sync, you can update now by downloading and installing the app directly.

  • Moved CloudFiles Features to a new dedicated Tab
  • 3 new CloudFiles Advanced features to help users manage their data easier:
    1. Clarified the default setting copy
    2. One global simple button to set all files to Local
    3. One global simple button to send all files to the Cloud
  • Hiding CloudFiles Options for older Macs not compatible with this feature
  • Improved locking speed, so a rename does not cause a prolonged folder lock, preventing users from using their folders/files.
  • Improved Syncing status so it is more precise to users when something is uploading/downloading or just indexing
  • Fixed a bug where updating from 2.x to 5.x might have caused crashing Finder

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