Get in Sync Blog


Time to Ditch Email Attachments for a Client File Portal

June 3, 2021

Victoria Donovan
Content Specialist at Sync

Sync client file portal

Every interaction you have with your clients leaves a lasting impression. But providing great user experiences when sharing files and collecting documents is not easy when you’re doing it over email. Luckily, there’s a better way.

Sync’s secure client file portal makes collaborating with clients, customers, and external stakeholders easy, safe, productive, and professional. You can send files, request documents, and engage in conversations—all while staying organized and in control! Your clients will have their own secure and branded place to easily upload and download files. Simply put, it’s the best file sharing solution for you and your clients.

So stop sharing through email and start using your own client file portal. Leave a lasting impression and watch your business grow.

Easy as can be

When it comes to sharing files, ease of use is key. Sync’s client file portal can be set up with just a few clicks; it’s incredibly easy to get going without calling in an IT department. Additionally, with Sync, your clients and customers don’t need to create an account or install complicated software either. They get unlimited, anytime access simply by clicking a link in their web browser (which can be bookmarked too!).

Enjoy no hidden fees and no more explaining how to send a folder through email. With a client file portal, you can stop worrying about complex technology, maintenance, or learning curves. Instead, you focus on what matters most: delivering the best client experience possible.

Superior security

Sending and receiving files through email is unsafe. Email is not fully encrypted, meaning that it’s easy for other people to read your attachments. It’s also the preferred method for hackers to steal confidential information. Moreover, there’s the risk of completely losing all your files. These are not risks you need to take.

However, Sync’s client file portal solution includes encryption, access controls, and automatic backups. This ensures that your client files are always safe, secure, and perfectly protected. Only you and your clients have access, which is exactly what your clients expect. Files are in the right hands at all times.

Additionally, Sync can help your business comply with the most accepted data governance and data privacy regulations. For businesses with personal information, data privacy compliance is a must, and something email simply can’t deliver. Keep your client data safe with a secure client file portal from Sync.

Enhance your file sharing

Client file portals make it easy for you to stay organized, so it’s superior to email in terms of productivity too. With Sync, files shared on your file portal are immediately accessible on your desktop from Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder. So say goodbye to scrolling back in your inbox to find old conversations and attachments; files your client uploads are always neatly organized into folders right on your desktop. What’s more, your clients can upload files of any size, a constant struggle with email.

Furthermore, you’ll get instant notifications when files are added. And you can give your team access too! Sync allows you to create as many client logins as you need, but don’t worry, your clients will only have access to their own files. Boost productivity, share files faster, and keep projects on track with your own client file portal.

Sync’s client file portal also includes file comments! You can collect feedback and have quick conversations without switching platforms or creating long email chains. Accelerating your approval process is a snap with Sync!

Perfectly professional

Your clients trust you, so what better way to build trust than to put your company on display. Sync’s client file portal is customizable with your logo and colors. Ensure clients, prospective customers, and stakeholders experience the best version of you. That’s stellar professionalism that sets your business apart.

Start wowing your clients today!

Make a lasting impression by providing your clients with the best file sharing experience possible. Get started with Sync Solo Professional or Teams Unlimited or create your own branded client file portal. Start sharing like a pro and leave email attachments in the past where they belong.

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