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Marraum Cornwall Architects brings living spaces and commercial builds to life through their unique story-based architectural design approach. As they worked to push the boundaries of contemporary architecture for their clients, they found their complicated in-house file server setup wasn’t working for them. They needed cloud storage and document collaboration that would work without a hitch.

Marraum Cornwall Architects uses Sync Cloud Storage


The Situation

Seeking simplicity

Architecture projects involve a lot of files. And the local file server that Marraum relied on simply couldn’t keep up. "We deal with large files that are constantly being working on," said Director Daisy Sawle. Technical difficulties with the server were slowing everything down. "We began to find some permission issues creeping in with our server upgrade," Sawle explained. The maintenance and upkeep simply became too tedious. So they made the switch to Sync.

The Solution

Flexible, functional, and compliant

Migrating a mission-critical local file server that the entire team relies on may seem like a daunting task. But with Sync, it was easy. "The great thing about Sync is that it exactly mirrored our previous set up, so our team didn't have to learn a new system," said Sawle. Sync checked off all the right boxes in terms of requirements including file backup, sharing, collaboration, access from any where, and GDPR compliance; must-haves for this UK-based firm.

In fact, switching to Sync couldn’t have happened at a better time. As Marraum made the switch, the COVID lockdown began. Sync allowed their organization to work remotely with ease, something that wouldn’t have been easy with a local file server. "When working from home, we were able to continue accessing and sharing all our files between the team without a hitch," said Sawle.

Not only does the Marraum team collaborate internally, they also collaborate externally with clients, contractors, and consultants. Sync Links and Team Shared Folders made these workflows fast and easy. "We use link sharing to send large files to third parties such as structural engineers," Sawle said. Sync fit right in.

The Outcome

Better spaces start in the cloud

Marraum gives living spaces and commercial builds respect, and Sync gives their workflows respect without all the downtime. "We've never had a problem," explained Sawle. "Sync keeps up with all of it."

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