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How do I move my files from OneDrive to Sync?

You need to have the Sync desktop app installed on your computer to move your files from OneDrive to Sync.

OneDrive is built-in on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 and already has a designated folder accessible in Windows Explorer.

If you’re running a different version of OS, get the OneDrive app here.

To move files and folders from OneDrive to Sync:

  1. Download and install the Sync desktop app from this page
    For more information on how to install the Sync desktop app, see: How do I install Sync?

  3. After installation, a Sync folder will be created on your computer.
  4. Open the Sync and OneDrive folders side-by-side then drag your files out of the OneDrive folder into the Sync folder
    Note: To know where your Sync folder is, see: How do I access the Sync folder from my computer?

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